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Mixed emotions

Mixed emotions and how to engage with a luxurious life.

Fear can mingle with Love sometimes anger.
Sadness can mingle with love.
Happiness can mingle with sorrows sadness.

All are states of mind. We give and identify deferent patens of pain and feelings .we feel many, it’s interconnected with our thoughts. All the mirages of mind create for it decides, the way we act for them. Sometimes they are controllable and sometimes not. Only and the best way to control them is self-awareness about them. If you lose someone you will feel sad. Your body will feel tired and numb, you will weaken your body, you will feel sad with tears in your eyes. No one knows what is the things behind these feelings are but I think its desire and wrong awareness. Animals also have feelings just like us. They also have the desire.

Depression can mingle with happiness, even sorrows can mingle with compassion.  We identify things as energy's and it’s true. The basic fundamental things behind these feelings are our thoughts and pictures. This is the things energize feelings.
Actually, a person walks from the astral body also can feel these feelings.  In dreams also we have feelings.  The mind is the forerunner. What you think you become is a popular quote. It’s sort of true our thoughts are the things become actions. 

Sad+ Happiness +love + fear -------> This type of feelings exists.

The thoughts have the power to control chemicals in our body. So if someone process kind thoughts, always he will be beautiful from the outer body. If someone is angry always his looks also get angry and he will be ugly.

I will teach you a secret in this article to be rich and successful, that I learn from Veda and religious teachings.

There is a beggar he is very poor, suddenly he gets this idea to put a food cart. He makes a small cart that can be push from his hand and sell peanuts on it and he fulfill that thought. He is not a beggar anymore. In a few time, He gets this idea to learn about vehicle fixing and he used his income to do a small course about it. He did it and got a job on a vehicle repairing center. He is a little bit rich now, even in the night he sells peanuts. Likewise, these thoughts that help to develop can be processed to actions and make your past merit applier. The things hold you back is laziness, tiredness, demotivation and fake mirage thoughts and devotion. There is no success without pain. If you pray and sit in one place in a chair, you will never be rich, behalf of it you must plan and make strategy’s and fulfill your good thoughts. We miss billions of opportunities in a single day.  Even in love……

That beggar finally learns a lot from the vehicle repairing center and build his own vehicle repairing center. This is how life works, we must take opportunity’s and make our magical thoughts to actions.

Hope this article will lighten your lives…………. Don’t be offensive, I am not distracting your beliefs or religion. Just take the light from these articles and enhance your lives.

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It's better to look at everything as energy.

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