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Let’s control smile

Why do people smile?

By smile I mean laughing or more than humor.

We capture some of emotions around us. When a person feel sad we also feel sad, when a person feel happy, sometimes we feel happy. This type of emotional capturing happens when we are in no feeling state mostly. When we won’t feel happy, depress, jealousy, affection or anything, this type of emotional capturing can happens.

Mostly people smile because of lack of awareness about the situation. When they see a shameful thing happens, they capture the shameful feeling too.  I mean they feel the shame little bit too, looking at the opposite character to make it normal or to keep their professional mind state persistence they smiles.

Another one is smile is a point that holds the mind without letting it to flow to negative feelings.  We can use it to avoid depression, stress, anger, shame fear and many others.  And it’s a way to avoid problems. When we see a shameful thing happening to a person, we smile front of them to make them smile or not to make him depress sometimes.  It’s a wrong action all we need to do is avoiding the situation or help the victim.

Mostly people smile on public places more than staying alone. Because when they see a shameful or unprofessional thing happen in public, they smile to avoid the situation and make their emotional level normal. Because they get the shameful or unprofessional reflection of the opposite and they feel the same sometimes.

When we see a thing not appropriate also we feel a shame. Mostly people smile because of compassion or affection. When a person do a wrong thing or a thing without common standards, they smile front of him her because not to make the opposite depress or not to take anger for themselves.

Thinking Him she is “crazy”,  “unprofessional” or “shameful” when an unprofessional or a shameful thing happens mostly it help to avoid the smile. It’s a deep awareness about the situation. There are common standards, we made from our minds and inherit from the society.  When people break them to avoid depression and anger sometimes we smile.

A little bit smiles from your lips is a way of showing friendship and way of showing attraction appreciation.  It’s not a bad thing at all, even a humor.

When we do smile for a person’s attitude persistently that person will be attractive for us. Even he she can fill your soul with happiness whenever you see him her. Smile is a good way to make the soul emotions neutral but too much smiling can make you crazy. We avoid anger by smiling. We avoid depression by smiling. We avoid shame by smiling and many negative thoughts sometimes. It's a good way to control feelings. We won't flow the energy for negative feelings by smiling. All the energy will persist in smiling.
When people feel happy also they smile.

“I saw this in a website but I don’t know the truth, I added it to take a convention about it.

Genuine laughter increases breathing, while lowering blood pressure and heart rate. And they tell smile happen because of happy hormones, or endorphins J

When you smile too much, you get  dimples...

Please comment below, what do you think about smiling and laughing.......  

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