
When you see a sudden thing a range of feelings climb up to your mind. Some are happy, some are sad, some are fear, some are love. This sudden range of feelings call surprise. 

When a child sees his Dad after a long time, he gets this range of happiness sudden it’s call surprise. 

When a child sees a monster, he gets this range of fear that is a surprise  

When a lover sees his love suddenly, he gets this range of happiness and love that’s surprise. 

Sudden surprise can make you speechless and numb. Nothing but it’s the way our mind reacts for certain situations. Again, boundaries who made these boundaries nobody knows. 
 When you see a sudden disgust or a rude thing you get this feeling of range of sadness or depression that can make you faint.  

If a sudden shameful thing happens to you, you get depress that sudden range of depression call surprise. Everything is rotating happy and sadness that effect our thoughts and way of we act. 
There is a bad side of surprise. It can be sudden death. It’s hilarious but you guys must listen to this. One day a person won a sweep ticket that he got sudden thrill and pass over from a heart attack. So feeling affect our physical body. They are merge with our physical body. When you be happy you become beautiful and attractive. When you be angry all the time you become ugly and disgraceful. Our feeling affects our physical body and way it’s looks. 

One day in a cricket world cup final our team won the match for that sudden happiness surprise a cricket fan passed a way from a heart attack. This is a good evidence that our feelings are related to our heart region. Somehow there’s a connection between our heart and feelings. The nice thing is our heart feels the feelings. it’s the warmest secret place of our body. 

Try to make a surprise that a person smile and be happy. Not to make a joke of him and make people around him happy. Surprise is good but always make a smile on their face.  

    He heee Surprise ;) 

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